Biofiltration Waste Water

The Waste Water  Biofiltration

Where conventional purification systems fail, bio-filtration comes to the fore. When there is a lack of space and a constricted area, when the sewage situation is complicated or when an existing plant is under recon- struction, bio-filtration is the ideal and most economic procedure for the primary as well as the secondary purification of water.

Deeper knowledge of the biological mecha- nisms, the use of fine filtering media and the supply of additional oxygen have enabled the scope of the process to be enlarged while safeguarding all ist advantages.

Upflow bio-filtration (co-current flow of air and water) systems permit a better use of filter mass without air embolisms and are therefore the most common used Biofilters in domestic and industrial wastewater treat- ment. The constant feed will be arranged by special filter nozzels which are integrated into the filter nozzle plate. The nozzels dis- perse the wastewater to the biofiltration media. The treated water leaves the reactor over an outlet trough to the recipient.

One or more process air blowers supply the necessary air which will be blown into the reactor through a ventilation system.

The operation of the Biofilter is fully automated.


Advantages over other activated sludge systems:
  • simple separation of biozoenoses possible
  • higher concentration of biomass therefore smaller reaction space and shorter process reaction times
  • no final clarification stage necessary
  • increased reduction of difficult degradable com- pounds due to preferential settlement of special microorganisms
  • high biological activity also on low waste
    water temperatures
  • compact, room saving installation because of modular concept
  • very high quality effluent, especially
    as regards the suspended
    solids parameter.

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